Power Virtual Agent – Under the hood

If I have to summarize the Power Virtual Agent in a single word - it is magical. Well, nothing is magical. There is a hardworking team, infrastructure and supporting services behind it. In this post, let's go under the hood of the Power Virtual Agent (PVA) and see all the moving parts involved. As I … Continue reading Power Virtual Agent – Under the hood

Image to Text PCF Control

PowerApps Component Framework is becoming a gold standard to infuse AI in the business apps. PowerApps team released an experimental preview of PCF for Canvas Apps and its truly a game changer. Here is one example where the user can take an image or pick an already existing image on their mobile devices and the … Continue reading Image to Text PCF Control

Forms Recognizer PCF Control

AI framework is not just to make the customers' lives easier, but also to make the internal users' lives easier. We are heading 2020 and the its been 25 years since the internet took off, but sadly, we still have some paper processes to deal with. But fortunately with AI services these days, we can … Continue reading Forms Recognizer PCF Control

My First PCF control

This PCF control embedded on the Dynamics 365 form (Typically Case form) aids the agent to query their Frequently Asked Questions database in a natural language leveraging QnAMaker. In the index.ts, I am making a call to QnAMaker's API in order to pass the question as parameter and retrieve the answer. That's all. It is … Continue reading My First PCF control