Leave your users speechless, not your chatbot!

For the Conversational UI to be adopted, it must do 3 things really well: 1. Understand the intent of user’s question 2. Don’t annoy the user 3. If the user surprises the chatbot with questions that it doesn’t understand, it must gracefully handle them. Let’s dive a bit on the above points. Note that this … Continue reading Leave your users speechless, not your chatbot!

Power Virtual Agent – Extend and Customize

For the purpose of this blog (4th post in the series on Power Virtual Agent) and just to avoid any confusion, when I mention "BF Bot", it is the bot built with the bot framework. And bots built with the Power Virtual Agent (PVA) will be called as PVA bot. I want to start this … Continue reading Power Virtual Agent – Extend and Customize

Quick Reply PCF Control

Wouldn't it be nice if we provide a way for staff to quickly enter a huge blob of repetitive statements with just a quick shortcut? We have these on our phones, why not bring it to the Power Platform? Here it is in action The Challenge There was one particular challenge implementing this. I wanted … Continue reading Quick Reply PCF Control

Power Virtual Agent – Under the hood

If I have to summarize the Power Virtual Agent in a single word - it is magical. Well, nothing is magical. There is a hardworking team, infrastructure and supporting services behind it. In this post, let's go under the hood of the Power Virtual Agent (PVA) and see all the moving parts involved. As I … Continue reading Power Virtual Agent – Under the hood

Power Virtual Agents – Past, Present and the Future

I am starting a new blog series with the motive to share some of the essentials that the beginners would like to know as they embark on the journey with the Power Virtual Agents. In this blog, I am registering my thoughts as to how the Power Virtual Agents may have been conceived, key features … Continue reading Power Virtual Agents – Past, Present and the Future